Posts from May, 2010

Ace Monster Toys – a Hackerspace in Formation


It is about time that I posted something that isn’t entirely Buddhist related. I did update the description of this blog to “Open Source Buddhism, Technology, and Geekery” recently. I’ve been posting mostly about Buddhism for quite a while given my focus on “open source” Buddhist efforts but I am a geek that works professionally […] Continue reading

Being manipulate as a software tester: how to try negative-testing web apps through their URLs

Stephen Donner

This is an *actual* URL from Vignette: I’m sure that behind those obscure-looking alpha-numeric strings there’s a rhyme or… Continue reading

Being manipulative as a software tester: how to try negative-testing web apps through their URLs

Stephen Donner

This is an *actual* URL from Vignette: I’m sure that behind those obscure-looking alpha-numeric strings there’s a rhyme or reason (hopefully?), but that’s not really what I wanted to blog about today 🙂 What I did in fact hope… Continue reading

Firefox Sync 1.3 is coming!


Firefox Sync 1.3b5 (formerly known as “Weave 1.3b5″) has been baking out in the experimental build world for awhile, and a lot of great progress has been done.   For those that were early weave adopters, you’ll find a lot has changed everywhere, from the server to the client. Some of these changes include: Rebranded as […] Continue reading