Posts tagged with “bugzilla”

Two Things


I wanted to give a reminder to all Mozilla Triagers that I have two active surveys about Mozilla Triage. The first is about general Triage Demographics and suggestions, and the second is specific to communication. If you haven’t taken these surveys, it would be a great service to me if you would take a few [&hellip Continue reading

One More Survey


Thank you for the response to survey I posted a few hours ago. I’ve already got helpful feedback and more is coming in. In the meantime, I’ve got one more short one that is probably even more important. The issue of communication in the Triage community is something that I feel needs to be improved, [&hellip Continue reading

Calling all Triagers


I know I’ve been silent the past few months, but haven’t been still. I’ve written up simple summaries of several of my Triage ideas on the Mozilla wiki. You can read them Here, Here, Here, Here, Here and Here. I’m looking for feedback and suggestions, so feel free to leave them in the comments and/or [&hellip Continue reading

Even More Clarifications


Apparently my last blog post got picked up by both Conceivably Tech and Slashdot, somewhat to my surprise. It also came to my attention that I was a bit too ambiguous in how I worded things, so I wanted to make a few clarifications. Firefox did not ship with 6,000 bugs. Rather, there are 6,000 Continue reading