Calling all Triagers


I know I’ve been silent the past few months, but haven’t been still. I’ve written up simple summaries of several of my Triage ideas on the Mozilla wiki. You can read them Here, Here, Here, Here, Here and Here. I’m looking for feedback and suggestions, so feel free to leave them in the comments and/or the wiki talk pages.

I have created a very simple survey that I would GREATLY appreciate if anyone who has participated in Triage past or present would fill it out. It is 100% anonymous, and I am simply looking for honest feedback. Do you feel triage is a waste of time, do you think it is just fine, do you think it needs to be fixed, whatever you have to say about it, I want to hear. Please also feel free to share the survey link to anyone that you think might have an interest. The results are mainly for me (I’m not doing this at anyone’s request) so I can answer a few questions of my own, and hopefully gain some new ideas.

The Survey is Here. Thank you all!