Posts from April, 2012

MozTrap 1.1 is under way


William Lachance from the A-Team here at Mozilla is credited with creating this Meme poster for us.  I thought it was hilarious.  🙂 And on we go with the 1.1 version of MozTrap.  We have enough features on our wishlist to take us for a couple more years.  And it seems like the list keeps […] Continue reading

IE practices in SQA


I’ve thought about this for a couple of years now, been meaning to write a paper about some of these things. I eventually will. In the meantime, read up on Deming.
Filed under: Uncategorized Continue reading

Having to update links in wiki for dates irks me…


Not my proudest moment in programming… esp wiki programming: create button template copied from other Meeting Pages such as platform… Basically copy and pasted a bunch of templates from for string manipulation and johnnath’s template for using … Continue reading Continue reading

Android MonkeyRunner Automation

Aaron Train

A few folks have asked me what’s involved with my simple automation
script that ultimately produces screenshots of running browsers on
Android. It’s rather uncomplicated, I am using the monkeyrunner tool
that is bundled with the Android SDK. As the Android Developers
guide indicates:

The monkeyrunner tool provides an API for writing programs that
control an Android device or emulator from outside of Android code.
With monkeyrunner, you can write a Python program that installs an
Android application or test package, runs it, sends keystrokes to it,
takes screenshots of its user interface, and stores screenshots on the
workstation. The monkeyrunner tool is primarily designed to test
applications and devices at the functional/framework level and for
running unit test suites, but you are free to use it for other

Intended mainly as a tool for synthesizing input on Android, one can
also easily get a capture of the Android screen with its Python/Jython
API. The code below listens and connects to an Android device, loops
through a list of provided Android browser package/activities, visits a
site (provided by a CSV), waits a couple seconds for page-load (Hack!
How can I go about better doing this?), snaps a picture and writes it
out to a directory provided by argument.

from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
import sys, csv

browsers = ['',

# Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()

#Start each browser activity with the provided URL
for run, browser in enumerate(browsers):

    # Visit each site
    for visit, site in enumerate(csv.reader(open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())):

        # Start the activity with the provided site
        device.startActivity(component=browser, uri=site[0])

        # Wait for page load timeout        MonkeyRunner.sleep(20)

        # Snap a screenshot of the running activity
        device.takeSnapshot().writeToFile("%s%s-%s.png" % (sys.argv[2], visit, run), 'png')

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Call for Help – Testing Firefox on your Android Device

Aaron Train

As part of Mozilla Mobile QA’s release criteria for continually testing
Firefox on Android, we want to again extend our efforts in leveraging
the community for assistance in areas of device.

We want you to test and provide feedback in regards to how Firefox
operates on your Android device.

A problematic challenge we face is the ability to truly test and qualify
the ever increasing and vast assortment of Android based devices (phone,
tablet and soon to be more) out there in the wild; the nature of which
the carriers and combination of an open platform presents us with. With
so many devices available, it is difficult to to ultimately attest and
standby the truth in acknowledging if a device will be truly compatible
with Firefox or not based on a range of criteria. Compatibility on each
device can also very well be a subjective opinion based on overall
experience, fulfillment and value. As each device has different hardware
and different processes and configurations, it is challenging to produce
an appropriate label and or level of compatibility for a device. This is
where we want your help.

To gather information from community based testing, we have created a
simple survey that can assist in defining and painting the overall
picture of a device at hand. We currently have a backlog of untested
devices that we not have access to, and we could use your help in

How to Help

  • First, we would like for you to download the new Firefox on Android
    (currently on the Nightly channel) available here and install it
    onto your Android device

  • Create a Bugzilla account in our bug tracker so that you can file
    bugs you find against Firefox on Android in Bugzilla. Reminder,
    effective bug reports are likely to be fixed. There are excellent
    bug writing guidelines for your pleasure to read here. Detail
    the issues you find to significantly increase the chances that a
    developer can act on the bug thus increasing the likelihood of
    positive resolution — provide in-browser Android screenshots,
    website URL, browser build information, and steps to reproduce the

Join and chat with us on IRC on the server in the rooms
#mobile and #qa to talk with Mobile QA and mobile developers.

A few minutes of your time in completing the survey will be largely
valuable, and you will be contributing towards the testing efforts of

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