Firefox DeveloperEdition 58 Beta 12 Testday, December 22nd

Bogdan Maris


Hello Mozillians,

We are happy to announce that Friday, December 22nd, we are organizing Firefox 58 Beta 12 Testday. We will be focusing our testing on Graphics and Web Compatibility. Check out the detailed instructions via this etherpad.

No previous testing experience is required, so feel free to join us on #qa IRC channel where our moderators will offer you guidance and answer your questions.

Please note that the contribution deadline for this Testday is 27th of December!

Join us and help us make Firefox better!

See you on Friday!

2 responses

  1. Dario Monsal ves wrote on :

    Estoy testeando firefox , donde se a detectado un error de compatibilidad en css js que no lo interpreta bien , y no cumple el objetivo en cual fue programado en nav menu , pense que podia ser un error de codigo fuente de css js html , pero revisando con los otros navegadores el problema es solo firefox , (52.5 hasta la version de developer)

    I’m testing firefox, where a compatibility error was detected in css js that does not interpret it well, and does not fulfill the objective in which it was programmed in nav menu, I thought it could be a source code error of css js html, but checking with the other browsers the problem is only firefox, (52.5 up to the version from developer)

  2. Emil Ghitta wrote on :

    Hi Dario!

    That’s interesting, did you managed to file a new bug for this encountered issue?
