Firefox Automation report – week 29/30 2014

Henrik Skupin

In this post you can find an overview about the work happened in the Firefox Automation team during week 29 and 30.


During week 29 it was time again to merge the mozmill-tests branches to support the upcoming release of Firefox 31.0. All necessary work has been handled on bug 1036881, which also included the creation of the new esr31 branch. Accordingly we also had to update our mozmill-ci system, and got the support landed on production.

The RelEng team asked us if we could help in setting up Mozmill update tests for testing the new update server aka Balrog. Henrik investigated the necessary tasks, and implemented the override-update-url feature in our tests and the mozmill-automation update script. Finally he was able to release mozmill-automation two hours before heading out for 2 weeks of vacation. That means Mozmill CI could be used to test updates for the new update server.

Individual Updates

For more granular updates of each individual team member please visit our weekly team etherpad for week 29 and week 30.

Meeting Details

If you are interested in further details and discussions you might also want to have a look at the meeting agenda, the video recording, and notes from the Firefox Automation meetings of week 29 and week 30.