One and Done – Mozilla QA task board session at Mozilla Festival

Ioana Chiorean

A few weeks ago we were announcing Mozilla QA’s presence at Mozilla Festival that took place in London, between November 9th and 11th . One and Done Initiative was scheduled in the third day of the Festival – Sunday at 11 am in room 211.  Our intention was to hold a hackathon to code the first version of the
software of the new tool called QA Taskboard.

Mozilla-Festival-2012In our desire to reach our contributors in  a better way we are trying to build up a easier way for them to find which QA tasks fits them most and see an overview of their contributions. We were looking for community members, UX/UI designers, developers and also testers to gather an input from all parts involved in this domain.

Thus the initial proposal was to be more about the coding, we ended up having a great discussion that covered most of the difficulties that a new contributor might encountered while having the first steps in a QA community.  Participants grouped in small groups of 2-3 persons and cover eight questions trying to get best solutions for each.

MozFest questions


After a few minutes we gather all in a big group and we tried to take each question one by one and discussed over the proposed solutions to see everybody’s opinion. The debating on this was very productive and we got very helpful insights from all parts involved.  We continued after to have a practical exercise on the wireframes of the 1.0 version.   The discussion results were more or less applied on the mock-ups but people really enjoyed drawing over the printed screens their suggestions. Unfortunately the time allocated for the session ended and we did not get the chance to start coding the new ideas. But for sure this will be one of the next steps that the team is planning to do it.

You can check the results of the session in the etherpad. Please feel free to  add your input.

Huge thanks for all the participants, expecially for Mozilla Reps:  Carlo,  Deb,  Kensie,  Alex and others like  Bebe, Dave, Robert.

Thanks Zac for leading/organizing this session!