The Input team ( i.e. the people behind ) definitely feel like we’re not getting the most bang for our buck in terms of the messages we have in our database. It’s pretty much the only publicly accessible database of user feedback on a major piece of software out there and we’re only processing the data through one form of text clustering. So, we’d like to break the bank here and get a slew of questions people would like to have answered (that makes our software/product better) with this data.
How can you offer us your questions? You can comment on this blogpost with the following format:
- Question you’d like answered:
- Why you’d like an answer to that question:
- How that answer would help make Firefox/Mobile Firefox better:
- BONUS – Suggested algorithms you’d like to see implemented to answer that question:
Some Inspiration:
- How do users commonly name features of Firefox?
- How happy/sad are messages submitted within the happy/sad forms?
- Is there a distinction in sentiment between messages sent with or without URLs across the happy/sad forms?
- How many users offer Input a message in another language, but on an en-US build, when there are no other locales available?