Join Us: Shmuel Gershon – Exploratory & session based testing
May 19, 2011 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
As part of Mozilla’s continuing QA tech talk series I’d like to invite you to Shmuel Gerhon’s presentation on exploratory testing. The author of Rapid Reporter and a QA technical lead at Intel’s Jerusalem Campus, he is convinced that the most significant factor in our quest for quality is people, not features or technology. That a whole team approach is a necessity when advocating for a quality product.
As part of Mozilla’s continuing QA tech talk series I’d like to invite you to Shmuel Gerhon’s presentation on exploratory testing. The author of Rapid Reporter and a QA technical lead at Intel’s Jerusalem Campus, he is convinced that the most significant factor in our quest for quality is people, not features or technology. That a whole team approach is a necessity when advocating for a quality product.
:: writes at
:: tweets at @sgershon
– Thursday May 19th, 2011 at 3:30pm PST (find your time here)
– You can join live on
Presentation Outline:
Testing methodologies
Mountain View, CA 94041 United States