The newest version v2.0 of One and Done is now available! New features worthy of your attention include:
– Improved search and task display
– Updated privacy requirements, satisfying legal requirements – this includes privacy agreements as well as the ability to delete your account
For Admins there are expanded types of tasks, and task entry options. This means there will be more variety of tasks for users to do!
– Ability to add tasks within the tool for all Admins
— Includes new areas for description and keywords
– Ability to edit tasks within the tool for all Admins
– All feedback is now emailed to task owners upon completion of the task = no more checking the admin for feedback!
– Able to enter one time tasks! Feel free to enter tasks for bugs, events, or anything up for grabs by one person
Take your time to check it out! If you have any questions, you can ping us- or you can drop in to the #qa channel. Let us know what you think of the usability improvements.
Special thanks go out to:
Bob Silverberg for going above and beyond
our interns:
Pankaj Malhotra
Maja Frydrychowicz
And brownie points for assistance:
Mike Kelly
Andrei Hajdukewycz
Chris Turra
John Giannelos
Paul McLanahan
Rob Hudson
Josh Mize
Sheeri Cabral