Given Firefox is turning 9 today, I believe it is finally time to thank us contributors for our continued effort in doing what each of us is doing. Because some of us might be forgetting that it doesn’t matter *what* you do for Mozilla, that all of the projects are equally important and that the contributors are putting a shitload of time (sorry for the expletive) into their work. Because the focus is on only such a few Mozilla projects and that those seem to receive a lot of ‘thank you’s, I want to use the time and especially thank those people who continue their efforts in projects that the majority of Mozilla doesn’t know about.
Given no one else seems to want to thank these people, I want to thank those who contribute to the following (in no particular order). If you feel like I am forgetting someone, please add them to the etherpad at
- Firefox
- Thunderbird
- SeaMonkey
- Webmaker
- Community Engagement
- Mozilla Reps / Marketing
- SUMO (Support)
- Coding
- QA
- Localization
- Web Development
- Add-on Development
- Design
- Long-forgotten projects and community initiatives that are no longer being actively developed.
- Everyone else in the community
With so much focus it’s sometimes *very* hard to keep track of everyone and to thank everyone. Especially, people seem to be so overloaded, burnt out and fed up with the current state of things. I can only repeat myself: If you feel like I have left your area out, please *do* add an entry to the etherpad (URL above).
Thank you!