One off bugs:


– Move to SDcard; stored on device
– change orientations *
– difference between URLbar text typing and text field typing
– different VKBs : simeji (double byte/commit), swype, swiftkey, default keyboard
– chrome versus content *
– flash versus webm *
– iframes *
– viewport versus non-viewport
– global history versus imported history *
– CPU instruction set : omap vs neon vs tegra *
– Arm version (6 versus 7) *
– Android OS versions 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 4.0 *
– Hardware keyboard vs VKB (virtual keyboards)
– double byte characters
– international date/time
– new tab versus current tab *
– local page (about: pages) versus remote pages (other urls) *
– uri (file:// versus http versus youtube versus https ) *
– web gl *

* = one offs that has caused crashing at one point or another.

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