Introducing office hours


Our global Mozilla QA community is alive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Mozillians test from Siberia to North Carolina and everywhere in between.  Sometimes it can be hard  to find a good time to catch up even if we try to be available all the time.

For this reason, some of us in QA are introducing the concept of office hours. We have chosen a few hours during the week when will be online and available for discussion or questions.

This is only a supplement to the fact that we all have irc running most of the time, and will give Mozillians a window when they know they can approach someone and be assured that there is someone ready to answer them on the other end.

Below is a list of our initial office hours.  For the most updated list, be sure to check our office hours wiki page.

Who Group/Title Office Hours Channels on
Anthony Hughes [:ashughes] Desktop Firefox & Mozmill Tests Friday 21:00 to 23:00 GMT #qa, #automation
John Hammink
Boot 2 Gecko; Web APIs; Firefox for Mobile; indexeddb Thurs-Friday 11am to 1 pm PST #qa, #b2g, #webapi
Dave Hunt [:davehunt] QA Automation Services Tuesday 11:00 to 12:00 GMT #automation, #qa
David Burns Automation Services 12pm GMT – 4pm GMT Week days #QA, #Automation
James Bonacci [:jbonacci] Services QA: Sync, Sync Server, BrowserID M-F: 9am – 5pm PST, or 5pm – 1am GMT #sync, #identity, #qa
Krupa Raj[:krupa] WebQA, AMO Fridays 2:00pm-3:00pm PST #qa, #mozewbqa and #amo
Marcia Knous [:marcia] Firefox Crash Investigation and Analysis Fri 11-12 PM PST #crashkill, #qa
Martijn Wargers Browser Technologies/QA engineer Mobile 10:00 am – 16:00pm GMT +1 #qa, #mobile and #developers
Marlena Compton
WebQA/Amo Automation Wednesday, 3-5pm PST/23:00pm-01:00am GMT #mozwebqa #amo #qa, twitter
Matt Brandt [:mbrandt] WebQA: QA and Automation Lead for Input, Socorro, Mozillians, and Affiliates Office hours: Monday – Friday 17:00 to 18:00 GMT #mozweba, #qa, #affiliates, mozillians, #breakpad, #input
Rebecca Billings [:rbillings] WebQA, SUMO Fri 18:00-19:00 GMT #mozwebqa, #qa
Stephen Donner WebQA Manager Tuesdays, 11-12 PST #qa, #mozwebqa
Tracy Walker [:tracy] Services QA  (Sync) Thursday 5:00 to 6:00 GMT #sync, #qa, #ur