Filing Firefox Issues into Bugzilla via


Firefox Input currently offers a set of feedback options that have a very low-bar to submission, anonymity and constraints that help frame feedback into actionable items. One of the drawbacks of such an approach is the loss of detailed information (ala a bug report) and a point of contact to further investigate the issue. Well, we’ve seen this in the wild: we have seen our Nightly and Aurora users, who comprise of early adopters, submit bug reports disguised as feedback submission even though they should be filing a bug.

To fix this issue, the Input team is building a method to supplement the sad feedback form with an option for Firefox Nightly and Aurora users to submit a bug report into Mozilla’s bug tracking system. We believe the lasting benefits of such a tool will garner greater contributor participation in the project and Bugzilla as well as improve efforts to find Firefox bugs before they get into the Beta and Release channels.

How will it Work?

Firefox users on Nightly and Aurora builds who go to submit a piece of sad feedback on will be able to click a button on the form that will direct them to a simplified bug reporting form. On completion of that form, the service will file a bug onto after a simple e-mail validation step.

How will this change things in Bugzilla?

  • Bugzilla user accounts will be created, if not found in Bugzilla, after their e-mail address is verified.
  • Bugs filed into a new Product called “Un-Triaged Bugs” with Component, “Firefox”.

Some of you may have seen Mozilla QA contributor Tyler Downer’s blog post on the current state of the triage system and we’ve been chatting to see how efforts could be better. We hope this will lead to a cleaner triage system in Bugzilla and will closely view the component when this app does release to ensure that happens.

How can you Help?

We’ll need eyes on these bugs in order to triage into their proper products and components. If you’d like to learn more on how you can help, please visit #qa or #input on and chat with the folks there in regards to bug triage (#qa) or delivering this app (#input).

When can you expect it out?

We are looking to release this by the end of the 2011 calendar year. If you feel you can help with this effort in terms of code contribution to help release this earlier, feel free to head over to #input on and mention so!