Hi, I’m Cameron, the project manager on the Case Conductor project. We are a small, agile team trying to make a test case management system that is cool, useful, free and open source.
You may have seen some announcements about Case Conductor from uTest:
- http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/utest-and-mozilla-launch-beta-of-caseconductor-for-test-case-management-1577217.htm
- http://blog.utest.com/utest-and-mozilla-release-beta-version-of-caseconductor/2011/10/
While Case Conductor is an early beta and still rough around the edges, we’d love your feedback on a few of the features we’re working on:
- Test case entry: we support both single and bulk test case entry. Our bulk entry form takes a Gherkin-ish style of language (other formats to come). Testers like to write tests in many different styles. A form works great for many people. Others prefer something more free-form. Our goal here was to allow you to create lots of test cases in the text editor of your choice being able to cut-copy-paste to your heart’s content.. Then when you’re ready, you just enter them in bulk. For now we only have one syntax we accept, but your input on more syntax styles (like Markdown) would help.
- Filtering: when you’ve entered things like test cases, test runs, test cycles, etc, you can find what you’re looking for on specific pages by using our filtering. See how you like it and let us know.
- Managing environments: A testing compatibility matrix can be hard to keep track of. And they can get HUGE. These days, it sometimes just isn’t possible to test EVERY possible combination. We have added the ability to provide all your environment parameters for your product, then you can pick and choose the ones you ACTUALLY want to test. Narrowing this down allows your testers to focus on what are your core concerns.
We are really excited about the direction of the product and what it does (and will) have to offer. Test case management systems have been too cumbersome in the past. We want to change that. In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to evolve the product. I encourage you to play with it and give us feedback on what you like and what you don’t.
How do I get it?
You can fetch what you need from github here: https://github.com/mozilla/caseconductor-ui/tree/0.5.X. You’ll notice this is the 0.5.X branch. Feel free to check out the master branch, but there will be several features in partial completeness. This repo includes a pre-built version of the platform in “tcm.war” which is ready to be dropped into your JBoss installation.
The two README.rst files should give you all the info you need. There are two separate parts, each with their own readme:
- Platform: https://github.com/mozilla/caseconductor-ui/tree/0.5.X/platform
- Django UI: https://github.com/mozilla/caseconductor-ui/tree/0.5.X
We’d love to hear your feedback!
Please feel free to post comments to this blog, and/or enter bugs and feature requests in Bugzilla with this link.
Thanks for your interest. Talk to you soon.