Running the Selenium IDE Mozmill tests

Dave Hunt

A short while ago I posted about the Mozmill tests I’ve created for Selenium IDE, however I didn’t cover how you can run these tests yourself. Currently I run these manually as needed to ensure that the nightly Firefox builds have not regressed or introduced changes in any areas that the addon depends on. We ultimately intend this to be a scheduled job.

I also have added a job on the Selenium continuous integration server that runs the tests against a released version of Firefox. In the future this will test the latest build of Selenium IDE, and will run every time the addon is built.

In order to run the Selenium IDE tests you will need to have Mercurial and Mozmill installed, which you can do simply by using pip install mercurial mozmill. Once you have these you can clone the mozmill-automation repository, using the following command:

hg clone

Then from the repository directory run the following:

./ --report= --with-untrusted /Applications/

Reports will be sent to our dashboard as specified by the --report parameter, and available to see here.

The --target-addons parameter specifies that we only want to run the Selenium IDE tests, and not all of the addons tests we have, and the --with-untrusted parameter is required because Selenium IDE is not listed on and is therefore ‘untrusted’.

The final parameter is the version of Firefox you want to run the tests against. These tests can currently be run against Nightly (7.0), Aurora (6.0), Beta (5.0), as well as the current releases (4.0, 3.6, and 3.5).

Below is a short screencast demonstrating how to run the tests:

With the recent release of Selenium IDE 1.0.11, I was able to push some new tests. These check a few more commands, and brings the total number of tests up to 40. If you’re interested in helping out and you have any questions, then you can either get in touch with me directly, ask in the #selenium IRC channel on Freenode, or post a message to the selenium-developers Google group.