Firefox Input is back to one set of submission methods and one dashboard. This time, over ALL builds of Firefox 4.0 or higher.
After taking a dabble into supporting different feedback types across channels with the “Rate your Experience” and “Report a Broken Site” submission along with a fancy dashboard, the team realized (thanks to a large amount of great user feedback) that the original beta submission methods offered a lot more potential on finding greater trends and insight. From there, and in our typical fashion, we took it a step further in this release and added support for Input across all channels and builds of Firefox 4.0 and higher. The tried and true happy/sad/idea submission methods our userbase have grown to love are back for good accompanied by an excellent dashboard. So, try it out and tell us what you think of Firefox!
This release wouldn’t be possible without the impeccable work of Dave Dash, Frederic Wenzel, Chris Howse, Michael Kurze, Matthew Brandt and Justin Dow.
Here’s a list of bugs fixed in this release.