Calling all HTML5 and Bugzilla enthusiasts!

Gordon P. Hemsley

Earlier in the week, I went through the process of filing and fixing bugs 546338 and 546340, both related to fixing <a name> problems in Bugzilla. Once that was successful, I got the idea to do a major overhaul of the Bugzilla templates in order to upgrade them from HTML4 code to HTML5 code (sans presentational markup, which Bugzilla has a ton of). I’ve filed bugs 546838, 547171, 546353, 547311, and 547389 for this purpose.

After spending a few days attempting to accomplish something, under the very helpful and reassuring guidance of Max Kanat-Alexander, I realized that it was a bit much for one person to take on. The sheer number of instances of presentational markup (and I only got so far as looking at @align, @cellspacing, and @cellpadding) is quite overwhelming.

But then I thought: This would be a perfect series of bugs for ‘student-project‘; that is, the keyword used to attract open source students to specific bugs that they can tackle during a semester. If we can get a group of students together, along with myself and Max, we can probably accomplish this much quicker.

If you’re interested in helping out, or you know a student who may fit that description, drop by #mozwebtools on and ping GPHemsley or mkanat.